All my family’s retirement savings are invested in
The Osler Fund.
As a practicing physician, I realize many of us lack the time and inclination to manage our financial future. Many have been disappointed by conventional investment choices. I believe that hard working professionals deserve better.
To address this problem, I asked McElvaine Investment Management Ltd to design an investment vehicle with our own retirement needs in mind: a fund with a multi-decade time horizon, reasonable fees and a laser-like focus on preservation of capital. The methodology is based on the teachings of value investing gurus such as Warren Buffett, Peter Cundill and Seth Klarman, while being further refined by contemporary evidence-based principles.
The Osler Fund is named in honour of the father of modern medicine, Sir William Osler, arguably the most famous and respected Canadian physician, whether alive or dead. His guiding principles of integrity, pragmatism, and humility along with his legendary incisive inductive reasoning are attributes we admire and emulate.
I work with Tim McElvaine on The Osler Fund. I believe in aligning my interest with our investors and have majority of my family's investable assets in The Osler Fund.
I cordially invite fellow physicians, allied professionals and their friends and family to invest alongside me.
Dr. Lorne David Porayko, MD, FRCP(C)
Co-Founder, The Osler Fund